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Write Once, Log Many Ways

En Français

git-add-msg is a command-line tool that I developed to save time (and typing) when using Git alone, or with Trac. Instead of typing the following (in your project's root directory):

$ git add .
$ git commit -am "this is my commit message" 
# or for Trac users: 
$ git commit -am "#123: this is my commit message"
Before installing git-add-msg

...after installing git-add-msg, only one command is required:

$ git add-msg
After installing git-add-msg

There is no follow-up cutting-and-pasting of commit hashes to Trac required either, since a comment with a link to the changeset and repository (as well as the commit message itself) is automatically added to the specified Trac ticket. The $ git log information for each commit is added to a plain text changelog file as well - which could be copied or attached to another issue-tracking or ticketing system, if desired.

Features of git-add-msg (v.0.1.1):



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